- ARIS - ARchitecture of Integrated Information System
- BIOS - Basic Input/Output System
- CAD - Computer Aided Design
- CAE - Computer Aided Engineering
- CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing
- CASE - Computer Aided Software/System Engineering
- CRM - Customer Relationship Management
- DFD - Data Flow Diagram
- EAM - Enterprise Asset Management
- ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
- IDEF - Icam (Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing) DEFinition
- LAN - Local Area Network
- LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
- MES - Manufacturing Execution System
- MMDS - Multichannel Multipoint Distribution System
- MRP - Materials Requirements Planning
- MRP II - Manufacturing Resource Planning
- MSF - Microsoft Solutions Framework
- PDM - Product Data Management
- PLM - Product Lifecycle Management
- RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer
- RUP - Rational Unified Process
- SADT - Structured Analysis and Design Technique
- SCM - Supply Chain Management
- SCSI - Small Computer Serial Interface
- SQL - Structured Query Language
- TDMS - Technical Document Management System
- TCP/IP - Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
- UML - Unified Modeling Language
- URL - Uniform Resource Locator
- WAN - Wide Area Network
Техника и технология автоматизации English